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Support for Pre-Existing Conditions Mandates

According to a study conducted by America’s Health Plans, health insurance carriers are in agreement to support a government mandate that they must accept all customers, regardless of pre-existing conditions, so long as the regulators also require everyone to buy coverage.

This idea should help reduce costs as the individual plan risk pool would dramatically expand and be supported by more healthy people to offset costs for covering people with pre-existing conditions that are likely to have more expensive claims.

President-elect Obama favors a mandatory coverge for children, but has not supported such a mandate for adults in the past.

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  • Kristine Castro July 4, 2009, 7:31 am

    Sometimes the healthy people go tothe docotr more than the pre existing people. For example – I have Fibromalaygia and only go to the doctor when I need meds and to do routine appointments. How is this soooo incredibly high rish that I can’t get a good rate on health insurance?

  • Mark July 6, 2009, 9:45 am

    That is true that sometimes healthy people do go to the doctor more frequently than people with some pre-existing conditions. The pre-existing condition mandate may make it easier to get insurance, but the question is how affordable will it be. We can help you find some interim solutions if you would like to give us a call at 303-456-7967. Thank you for your comments and take care Kristine!

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